Farheen husain
2 min readMar 18, 2021
Photo by Fernando Brasil on Unsplash

I once asked my friend to be happy and he said: “how to be happy? I don’t know”. We both laughed at that time and changed the topic.

I often think about that question, how to be happy. The question seems so easy yet it is so difficult to answer. Every single person, doctor, a therapist will ask you to be happy but they don’t tell you how.

Like Art, I think happiness is also subjective. Different people have different opinions about happiness. For some, it lies in materialistic things, but does that really make you happy? Obviously, Money is important to survive and to fulfill needs and wants. Money can solve most of the problems. But can it make all your worries go away? Can money give the feeling of satisfaction?

Happiness does not mean having an exciting life or having worldly pleasure. It is a feeling of contentment. It is living the moment to the fullest. It is spending time with your loved ones. It is doing something so gripping that you forget to check your Mobile.

We see people around us doing normal 9–5 jobs. Their daily routine seems so monotonous and dull yet still, they are somewhat cheerful. And on the other hand, some people are doing so thrilling and amazing stuff but still unhappy. The difference here is blissful people are assuredly interested in their work.

When you are genuinely engrossed in your work, you will not even feel like you are working. You will never feel lethargic or get bored, instead, you feel glad.

Another thing that you should do to be happy is to be thankful.

Thankful people are happy people. Appreciate the things you have and relinquish the rest on which you have no control. Never be ungracious. Gratitude is the key. It is completely okay if you want more in your life but be grateful for what you have.

Learn to forgive people and let things go. Unforgiveness is like a chip on your body, it always lets others sway you. Release yourself with grudges, it only bitters your temperament. Resentment will take you down and the people you love.

Be very careful while choosing the people around you. It will affect your life in such a way that you cannot even imagine. Repel or cut the negative people from your life. They will torment your peace of mind. If it costs you peace of mind then it’s too expensive.

